Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Congress To-Do List, Courtesity of New York Times

The New York Times published a list of tasks to Congress of things that need to be done to overthrow the damages done by the Bush Administration. The list isn't really exhaustive. The bullet points on the list are:

  • Restore Habeas Corpus
  • Stop Illegal Spying
  • Ban Torture, Really
  • Close the C.I.A. Prisons
  • Account for ‘Ghost Prisoners’
  • Ban Extraordinary Rendition
  • Tighten the Definition of Combatant
  • Screen Prisoners Fairly and Effectively
  • Ban Tainted Evidence
  • Ban Secret Evidence
  • Better Define ‘Classified’ Evidence
  • Respect the Right to Counsel
  • Close the Guantánamo camp
Read the full text here, with explanations to the points.

New York Times Editorial: The Must-Do List (March 4, 2007) [via Digg]

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