Thursday, February 8, 2007

Evil Marijuana In The News Again! Be Scared! Be Dumbfounded! Do What You're Told!

This one's gonna be a quickie, because you'll just have to read the article yourselves. USA Today had an article a few days ago about the harmful effects of marijuana. It just seems so biased, using examples of only one side of the argument. Just read the damn thing. I might add something later, once my sense of logic returns from the coffee break it went on after reading the article... Be sure to check out the Reason Magazine Hit & Run piece in response to the USA Today article, as well as the comments with it.

USA Today: Caution: Marijuana may not be lesser evil

Reason Magazine: USA Today's Self-Refuting Anti-Pot Propaganda

And just for kicks, here's a page called "2005 National Survey on Drug Use & Health: National Results", which will make your eyes go around in circles, but as soon as your brain unfreezes, the statistics do seem to make more sense and give you a more realistic viewpoint on the matter, as opposed to the USA Today article's point of view.

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