Sunday, February 11, 2007

Massachusetts Calls For The Arrest Of Verizon

This is the first instance I've ever heard of when a State has called for the arrest of an entire company. The news here is that after Verizon double billed one of their customers, the person in question sued them for ruining his credit and won. When Verizon still wouldn't pay up, the court ordered a bench warrant for Verizon's arrest. The whole company. Unfortunately, Verizon finally sent a check to the customer they screwed over, before the warrant could be put into effect. Now that would have been a bit of news I would have loved to see in the news. Police Officers arresting an entire company, confiscating all their possession... Anyhow, score one for the little guy!

Sources: State of MA to Verizon: You're Under Arrest - Gizmodo
Warrant Issued For Verizon's Arrest - Consumerist

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