Monday, February 19, 2007

Science vs Animals: Feathers on a Salamander

It wasn't really the article which interested me, but the picture that came with it. That has to be one of the ugliest creatures I've seen in a while. The story was entitled "Science finds new ways to regrow fingers", which in itself is a pretty interesting read, but the more and more I look at that picture, I feel slightly sickened, yet oddly captivated by it. It's always interesting to think what these scientists think in the morning when they wake up. "Today, I'm going to grow feathers on a salamander." Atleast they didn't have a picture of a salamander with five fingers growing out of its back... Click on the image to see it larger.

The article:
The photo:;_ylt=AsYale7IWZ5Efrzn.n36nrVxieAA

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